Friday, July 25, 2014

Nevada Beach to Connolly Beach

Who knew South Shore was so gorgeous? Nevada Beach is really beautiful. It's a big, deserty beach with lots of trees. We would never drive past Sand Harbor - or Bliss or Baldwin - to go there, but still I was pretty blown away by how pretty it is. I went mid-week and it was fairly deserted (expect, apparently, for the person that stole my flip flops while I was out) but I hear that it is crazy busy on the weekend.

The paddle was gorgeous. South Lake is so shallow this year that everything is turquoise. I went south from Nevada Beach to link up at Connelly with what I'd paddled from the Keys. I expected it to be like Atlantic City but there is the huge Nevada Beach, then a lovely golf course, then some low key private homes (not over the top at all). There are a few places - like where the Tahoe Queen goes out - that are a bit touristy, but otherwise very few boats and actually a very nice paddle. Nevada Beach is very easy to go out of, with a shortish walk from the car, bathrooms, wood platform for drying board, etc.

Looking north toward the point at Round Hill Pines

Looking south at Heavenly

Beach area

The details

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