Friday, July 11, 2014

Sand Harbor to Secret Harbor

This was one of the most beautiful paddles ever. Mike and I started from the south end of Sand Harbor (the farthest from the boat beach). Not too bad of a walk from the car to the water, easy bathroom access, but no grass for drying my board.

We headed out and paddled south. After a mile or so you pass the Thunderbird Lodge, and then paddle along a rocky point that felt very exposed and lots of waves, until you hit Chimney Beach. The water was really calm and turquoise within the bay from Chimney Beach to Secret Beach, Secret Harbor, and Whale Beach. The water is really shallow this year, though, and we saw several rocks with fresh propeller marks on them - really far out.

It is four miles down to the point beyond Whale Beach. Some really interesting homes along there, I'd love to own one! Or figure out how to rent one at least. It looks like they might be accessible only by boat.

Secret Beach from the land.

Secret Harbor from the land, looking south toward whale beach. Skunk Harbor is around the point.

Mike had to take a call at Chimney Beach.

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