Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Bristlecone around Dollar Point

We had plans to paddle out of Kings Beach but it was kind of windy this morning so we decided to launch from Dollar Point after drop off at Camp Skylandia. There's a rocky beach at the end of Bristlecone Street with easy parking and beach access and a port-a-potty (which was possibly the grossest thing I have ever seen, so I wouldn't advise unless it is an emergency). Dollar Point is a great lake spot because it is removed from the road, nice and quiet and not too busy. An easy paddle although not as scenic as other spots on the lake.

We paddled a mile out to the point then turned north and paddled another mile. Around the time we turned to come back the wind kicked up and by the time we made the point we were literally paddling through whitecaps. It was slow going and I thought at time that I would tip over even though I was on my knees. Don't want to paddle in that kind of wind again any time soon!

We finished up with lunch at the Mexican place next to Jake's (terrible!) and watched the whitecaps and some kayakers that went screaming by.

Some interesting rocks between Skylandia beach and Bristlecone.

The details...

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