Tuesday, July 9, 2013

DL Bliss toward Emerald Bay

Absolutely gorgeous paddle today from DL Bliss State Park toward Emerald Bay. Lester Beach has to be one of the most beautiful places in the world, ut the parking usually fills up by 10. There's a bathroom but no grass to dry your board on.

Unfortunately we did not get out on the water until 10:15. Julia and I headed south toward Emerald Bay. It was a little creepy (to me) at times, because the water is so deep so close to shore. We went south for 2 miles (with one mile left to get to Emerald Bay) but had to turn around with a mile left to Emerald Bay because the wind was picking up and there was a ton of boat traffic. We really had to fight it back in.

But in addition to the fabulous landscape, we saw an osprey nest and I'm pretty sure there were babies inside.

This would be the best paddle ever if you could get out around 8 on a weekday....

The beach (although it you can't see how beautifully turquoise it is)

The start of the Rubicon trail...
The osprey nest...

The last bit on the way in... very choppy!

And, the details...

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